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BuscarR, short for Biased Urn based Stopping Criteria for technology Assisted Review in R, is a package implementing the stopping criteria described in Callaghan, Max, and Finn Müller-Hansen. 2020. “Statistical Stopping Criteria for Automated Screening in Systematic Reviews.” Systematic Reviews, September. A python package is available here.

The stopping criteria offers a reliable method to decide when to stop screening during machine learning-prioritised screening for a systematic review, or for document review in ediscovery.

Such a method is vital in order to use machine learning safely (by estimating the risk of missing documents). Our method describes statistical confidence levels that any given level of recall has not been achieved. As such, it offers a robust data-driven method to decide when to stop, and a clear and transparent way of communicating the risks of stopping at any given point. Read vignette("stopping-criteria") for more details on how this works in the package, or check out the original paper for a full description of the criteria, including theory and evaluations.


# Install development version from GitHub


BuscarR requires a dataframe with a row for each document in a query, and two columns: relevant, and seen. relevant should contain a 1, where a documents has been included by a human, or a 0 where it has been excluded by a human. Any documents not yet screened should have an NA. All documents screened by a human should contain a 1 in the seen column, and documents not yet seen by a human should contain a 0. To get a p-score for a null hypothesis that a given recall target has been missed, use the calculate_h0 function on your dataset.

calculate_h0(df, recall_target=0.95)

If the p score is below 1 minus your confidence level, you can reject the null hypothesis that the target has been missed, and stop screening. vignette("stopping-criteria") contains more examples, explanations, and additional functions.